Sunday 2 June 2013

The Realities of Life...

There is something to be said about roots, they are important in our history as well as our present.  They are representative in such things as our family origins and where we have come from geographically.  They are also in the here and now in as we are putting down our own roots.  They permeate our lives not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well, for they are really at the core of who we are.  If we are not well rooted and don't nurture their care we will have serious challenges navigating life.  These last few weeks, I have had a friend lose her dad and another friend have her first child.  I have had a friend diagnosed with a 2nd terminal lifelong health challenge, barring a miracle and another has experienced a miracle of healing.  These are the realities of life... which are hard to reconcile this side of eternity.  The very word reconcile means to restore to close relationship, and or make right.  Reconciliation is perhaps the most difficult earthly challenge to negotiate, as life's circumstances produce more questions than answers.  Another reality is that many refuse to be in a right  relationship with the God who made us and all the benefits we enjoy, instead fingering Him with blame for the atrocities of life.  Again as I said earlier, there are many questions I too don't have answers to, but believe by faith that God is about reconciliation/restoration and grieves more than we can imagine over the brokenness in the world.  He demonstrated this by sacrificing His only son Jesus on our behalf and beckons us to establish our roots on this premise.  If we do He declares in Psalm 1 that "we will be like a tree firmly rooted along streams of water, which will yield fruit in it's time..."